Monday, July 13, 2009

Blurb ...

Where I ask is my own little privacy
In a world filled with frivolous fallacy
Everywhere I look, there're faces galore
Rich, poor, happy and torn
Why are we driven by so very little
A few gold coins make our values brittle
Our souls are decaying with cold contempt
Of human life, property, nothing's exempt
Were we always this greedy, green-eyed person
Raping, severing, looting, committing arson
This world is no longer the place it once was
Humans - you and I, are the primary cause
What's it going to take to bring back sanity
Or is the point of no return, not within vicinity
Hope - the quintessential human flaw
Keeps us going, fighting till the last straw
Morose I may sound but that's cause I'm hurting
Don't know why but healing by writing ...

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