Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The First Job

23 years of education. Joyous highs and depressing lows (both alcohol-related ones and otherwise). A ton of paperwork (some worthy of regular paper and the others worthy of toilet paper). The sweet confusion of decision-making. These were only some punctuations in the sentence of my life as a student.

Internships, somehow don't seem as daunting because you know that they're short-term and ofcourse you'll be getting back to school as soon as its all done! Not the case with your full-time job!

When you get employed full-time and after the "I'm finally making moolah to support myself" phase, comes the phase of realisation. The dawn of the fact that this is what you will be doing for the better part of you're life. The intimidating climb up the corporate ladder from the bottom-most rung, from where all you can see are wrinkled rear ends.

And I have been told that the first year is usually the toughest. You know its your first year of work if you have trouble coming to terms with the facts like

1. You report to the same place on every working day (and there are quite a few of those).
2. You can't skip work because you had too much beer the previous night, or the same morning or both.
3. You can't tell colleagues to record their meeting so that you can watch them later (ahhh... school!).
4. You can't curse in the office... f***ing s**t ... that sucks!
5. You feel like you work on Mars because everyday seems like its a lot longer than 24 hours and
6. Every Monday you feel that ... well... the previous week forgot to end!


dee said...

Well, I finally showed up a lil buzzed to work.... so much for 2 martinis the night before......!!

Gaurav said...

hmmm...2 martinis ... i don't think that even qualifies for putting you in the "buzzed" category!