Friday, February 11, 2005

Why Blog?

Went for dinner the other night to a friends place. There me and this friend of mine, got into a heated who-can-scream-louder debate about what's the need to blog?

If you want to get your point across to a person, call them, email them, chat with them. If you want to get your point across to a vast number of people, go write in some forum or magazine. If you feel that you need to share some important information, goto a place like slashdot and post it there and if the article is "good enough" it "might" get its due on the first page.

But what if my urge is just to write about something that matters to me and might not matter to a very large audience. Hell it might not even matter to my close friends. But, its just something I felt like typing out!

There's a lot of good that comes out of blogging
1. Over time, a person's blogs can tell you the kind of person he or she really is (so you know what you need to carry with you when you meet them- pepper spray or protection).
2. In this day and age where its getting increasingly difficult to keep in touch with junta, its a great place to let people know what you have been up to (if they care).
3. Also, if you're lonely and you think that you have your way with words and blogging might get you laid, well, its a thought...


Siddharth D'Silva said...

G-man, Nice Blog! China Clay has created another addict eh! I like your points 1-3 and you sure have grown up bud (my synopsis on reading your blogs). However, i always felt that your voice (and not words) would get you laid. Stay in good company :)

Gaurav said...

Hey Sid

Good to see you're visiting the Gees-Spot (that just sounded...well...wrong!)
Chinaclay sure has made me a blogger!
About me growing Agent Smith always told Neo, "It's inevitable".
Voice...hmmm...if only I could sing/talk a woman to bed..sigh! oh well!

Anonymous said...

4. Blogs might be useful few years in the future...especially if you suffer from amnesia


Gaurav said...

why amnesia... when I read last weeks blog (yes its sad but I do that sometimes)...i can't believe that I wrote that blog!

Anonymous said...

I think the greatest power of a blog is to let you write what you want without the thought of failing to meet/dash anyone's expectations. A magazine/publication has a history with it and some expectations that it has created along the way and you do not want to let those limit what you write. A blogger is just 'your own space on the net' (ugh - i know it is a cliche but it so nicely captures the feeling).